Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam

Last Sunday my husband and I got a new calling at church. They asked us to be the Sunbeam leaders. The Sunbeams are the Primary (Sunday School for kids) class for the kids who are three years old. Our son, S2, is currently a Sunbeam so we'll see how he does with us as his teachers. In January the kids switch to the next class so we will say goodbye to him and his friends and hello to a new batch of wriggly toddlers coming from the nursery. Speaking of nursery, S3 gets to go into nursery two months early so that we can teach our class. I took him last week and he seemed to enjoy it and not care when I left the room.

S2 will miss his old teachers who are moving. We also wonder how S1 will do with us in the room for Sharing and Music Time and closing exercises. Hopefully he won't give his teachers too much trouble wanting to come be with us, which would be fine if he would sit still. But, he'll more than likely try to pull us out to wander the halls. We shall see.

My husband, Dave, is still the chorister for the ward and I am still the leader for Activity Day girls (8to 11 years old). When they extended the calling to us we said, "Sure, we already live in a house full of Sunbeams." So, we don't think this calling will task us too much.

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