Monday, May 14, 2007

SO unfair

Okay, I realize that life is in no way fair. But sometimes it just kills me how unfair it can be. I just read this article, , on msnbc about how they are starting to figure out ways to diagnose autism in infants. Great. What killed me and made me cry was reading that the state of California PAYS the $70,000 a year needed for intense therapy that so often helps kids with autism to function much closer to "normal". Why does a child born in one state reap such benefits when those in another get almost none? Aren't we all supposed to be part of the same great nation? Dave and I were both born and raised in California, our parents still live there. We got transplanted due to school and job availability in California (slim pickin's for music teachers as most programs had been cut). During the time that S1 would have received this intervention, it wasn't even possible for us to live in California due to Dave's schooling.

It's so frustrating to know that because we didn't have $50,000 to $70,000 for therapy every year for three years that S1's development may have been hampered for the rest of his earthly life. I know that we did all we could for him at the time and that the Lord will bless S1 and us to deal with whatever comes our way, but sometimes the injustice of it all is overwhelming. Thanks for letting me vent. If we ever have another child and they are autistic, guess where we are moving back to?

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