Thursday, January 01, 2009

A Chore

Okay, I figure if I expect S1 to learn and grow and get developmentally closer to his actual age, I'd better try and teach him something. They say developmentally he is between two and three years old. So I tried to think of a chore he could have that would be appropriate. By that age my other sons have been unloading the dishwasher, stacking plates and bowls for me to put away. I work with them and take care of the silverware and cups and put everything in the cupboards. Well, the thought of doing that with S1 was just too overwhelming, his fine motor control still isn't so great. So I decided that since he still isn't potty trained, that he was going to help take some responsibility for it. Thus, his chore since this summer has been to throw away his own diaper. I've already written about how well he's been doing. However, while we were gone, I don't think he had to do it. So I wondered how he'd do when we got back. But I didn't need to worry. As soon as David handed him that diaper, S1 turned and took it to the kitchen and threw it away. Then he ran back to his show. Now I need to think of a new chore for him. Maybe I will have him help with stacking plates or bowls from the dishwasher. Or helping me to put away his clothes in his drawers. Maybe not that one. Then he'll know his drawers are in his closet and he may take to throwing them around! If you can think of a chore that would be appropriate, let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oops--I didn't even think about him throwing his own diaper! I'm glad we didn't spoil him.