Sunday, February 07, 2010

Weed Whacker

Awesome thing happened tonight. S1 wanted to play with the toy weed whacker. The batteries had long since died. He brought it to me and I took it and pretend it worked, rubbing it on his chest going, "Vroom, vroooooom..". He pulled it off his chest and turned the "blade" around while I made the noise. When I was finished I told him that it didn't work, that the batteries were dead. He left and took the week whacker with him. S1 went down the hall and opened the hall closet. I could tell he was kind of rummaging around with one hand. I wondered what he was looking for as he'd never played in that closet before. When he turned around, triumphant, he had a battery in his hand! He brought me the battery and the weed whacker and handed them both to me, fully expecting me to fix it. How could I not? It didn't matter that he'd brought me a size D battery when I would need two AA batteries. I fixed it and he was happy to play with it again. I was most amazed because he's obviously picked up on things that I didn't know he was paying attention to, like where we keep the batteries.

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