Tuesday, March 25, 2008

He likes me, he really really likes me

So, S1 is still a happy little chap. Lately a couple of things have happened that show how much he's learning or cares. The other day I worked an extra shift (12p to 5p on a Saturday). When I got home I basically had time to soak my feet (I had ingrown toenails removed) before I had to work my regular shift. Before you think it amazing that I can work on top of everything else I do, it's really not bad. Basically I hang out with the elderly with alzheimer's to keep them company/out of danger. I usually work 3hrs Saturday and Sunday evenings. So it gets me out of the house and I get paid for caregiving - which I do for free the rest of my days. It's really low key and a good chance to get away from my usual duties. Anyway, back to S1. I was sitting at the kitchen table with my feet soaking when S1 comes in the door from outback. He makes sure to close it all the way and then starts heading down the stairs to the basement. He hadn't looked my way and I could basically only see the top of his head. So I tried an experiment. As he head disappeared down the stairs, I called out, "Hi S1!" Now, I already knew that he knows my voice, I just wanted to see if he cared that I was home. Sure enough that little head pops back up the stairs, he looks straight at me when he gets to the top, grins, and comes over to me and starts talking!! Holy cow. He starts saying, "Treat, more, please, treat, more, please" which is his code for I am hungry. I just had to smile. I was so happy. Not only did he acknowledge me, he came right up and started communicating his need. Way to go kid. Now I know he likes me, he really really likes me - or at least knows I'll feed him.

He went with Dad to Blockbuster the other night. When Dave took him to the kid aisle to pick out a movie, he reached out for the nearest Barney movie he could get to. Dave suggested to him that he look at all the movies and then pick one. So S1 looked up and around, took a few steps forward and then picked out another movie - still a Barney movie but one with a Tuba on the cover! He was cooperative about giving the other movie back to Dave. He then counted off the band and chanted Tuba the entire ride home. When they got home I was in the kitchen when I saw this kid streak down the hall to the TV in our bedroom. It was S1. He had that movie in his hot little hands and once in the house knew right where to go to watch it. So, it was nice to see him make an actual choice, stay focused on it, anticipate what was to happen and then take the movie to the appropriate location for viewing. Huge strides in the whole thinking process. Never doubted that he could think, it's just so nice to see it in action.

It's also fun to watch when S1 is out jumping on the trampoline. He loves to "go". It doesn't matter to him where to, just as long as he gets to "go". If he's jumping on the trampoline, all we have to do is stand on the back porch and say, "S1 it's time to go" and that boy drops to his bum, hops off the trampoline and bolts across the yard. Watching S1 run is quite funny because although he usually doesn't fall anymore, he also is still very gangly and uncoordinated. So it's fun to watch him run pell mell across the yard.


beautifuldey said...

Hey Jenny,

Nice to see some improvement eh? Even though it's probably there all along, once in awhile it just hits us as if it's new. I really can't believe you're working!

Emma said...

Fun stories! It's good to hear from you!

Sarah Oman said...

What and awesome experience with S1. I bet that made you feel great. He has come leeps and bounds since the last time I saw him.

flowermom said...

Congratulations! It is great when they reach any milestone. But especially wonderful for your son. Just goes to show that you are doing a good job with your kids.

Annalisa said...

glad to have found your blog. was just chatting with someone about trumpets and with conference was reminded of those good times at wymount. we're in san diego now. smiles, anna geoff linc & hari PS i crave your awesome tomato & tuna sandwiches every now & again. I have yet to make one good as your own. love the blog.