Sunday, January 10, 2010

Musical Me

Today the rest hymn was actually a piano number by the Bishop's eleven year old daughter. S1 had grown restless with the talks so he was sitting on the pew listening to his tape of Christmas music. As soon as she started playing, his head perked up, he ripped off the headphones and dropped them on the pew, stood up, turned around, looked expectantly at the congregation and began to conduct the music. S1 loves it when you sing and he gives you this "look" when he wants you to sing for him. While as he conducted he gave me that look. I whispered that we weren't going to sing while she played. He continued conducting watching the congregation. About two-thirds of the way through he turned back around facing the piano, continued conducting with one hand and "played" the "piano" on the back edge of the pew in front of us until the musical number was over. He then sat down and resumed listening with his headphones. The funniest part was that even though S1 was conducting with both hands, he apparently had a nose itch because occasionally he'd stick his index finger just inside his nose but still have that hand waving to conduct!


Sharla said...

Fun to read your posts. It made me happy to think of your little conductor. I'm also grateful that I have a working computer to be able to check blogs. Ours has been kaput since Jan. 3.

Teri said...

I can just see it! I love your blog. I didn't know you had one until you commented on mine. Thanks for doing that, because I love comments and I love reading your blog!

You are such smart people to get married on MLK weekend!!

I can't believe how much your boys have grown. I'm gonna send you a message through facebook and see if we can catch up!!