Wednesday, April 04, 2007

It's about time

Yep, that's why I haven't blogged in a while - it's about time. And time is the one commodity that I have even less of than money! Hard to believe isn't it. To catch everyone up to speed in a much abbreviated version of my life, March went like this. First week- throw bridal shower for my sister, take the three boys to Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm and California Adventure with David's high school choir and steel drum band (riding the charter bus to and from - I also got to see Wicked thanks to college friends who watched the boys). Second week- get the flu and spend the entire week in bed, hardly able to move and escort sister through temple and attend sealing/reception (luckily at the end of the week so I was doing MUCH better by then). Third week- recover from the flu and the horrible sinus garbage that it left me with and get back to the gym since I had a two week hiatus, attend Neighborhood Board Meeting. Fourth week- pull together my assignment on my mission reunion committee-refreshments-and attend reunion.

So that's it in a tiny nutshell. S1 has had his medications adjusted and now we are watching to see if he will start gaining weight. He is seven years old and weighed 40.8 pounds as of March 17th. To compare, S2 is 4 and 1/2 and weighs 43 pounds and S3 who is 2 (on May 2nd) weighs 32 pounds. You know the kid is too skinny when he and the "baby" wear the same size diaper! I am constantly trying to get S1 to eat, which he usually does. He also gets to eat more cookies than anyone else because he needs them!

Speaking of which, I am doing well with going to the gym. So far since I started going at the end of December, I have lost 15 pounds and 2.5 % body fat. On Saturday I am off to New Mexico to visit a cousin, so we'll see where I am at when I get back and have to weigh in! Ha. Good luck to me.

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